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Comments made by Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink)
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16 to 30 of 280 comments

Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-08-20 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
not easy doin ya own lol, nice work look forward to seein it finished
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-08-20 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
love it, fantastic lining colour and flow... 10
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-08-18 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease send me details to get one of these done.... pretty please with a cherry on top !
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-08-18 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
lol @ saltypito but id say stevie wonder did this one !
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-08-18 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
dont put the coy on too soon, give the skin time after the final lazer... look forward to seein the coy n how it turns out, choose a good artist and view there work b4 u get anythin done
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-08-18 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
doesnt the fact that at least 4 of your tattoos are in the bottom 10 kinda give u a hint ? refer back to pig skin till ya can tattoo or just give it up as a bad idea
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-08-18 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
gotta love council estates home grown tattooists !
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-08-10 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
if you struggle with ideas or designs add me on any of the following...
www.facebook.com/ gaz-lee 'tattooist' crofts
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-08-10 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
dunno how or why this is in bottom 10, the lining is neat and the reason for having it is sincere... there are lots you can do with polynesian... u could add a polynesian stle dove around them... u could incorporate a polynesian cross etc...
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-08-10 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
suppose its an ice breaker if nothin else... everyone loves a comical tattoo lol
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-08-10 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
this is an old tattoo and puttin an old one on here is suicide dude, inks and needles have come a long way, you wont get a positive comment off most on here. get it re-vamped by a tattoo artist with a good reputation, it IS possible.
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-08-10 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
A backwards nazi symbol means peace not black power whoever commented on that you fuckin retard ! and as for the skull and DOC despite the none constructive criticism in comparrison to most of the other shit on here it DOES NOT belong in the bottom 10
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-05-13 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
thats stunnin 10 from me
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-05-09 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
tattoo'd with a shovel ?
Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) 2010-05-09 Gaz Lee Crofts (Skin n Ink) tattoo
my neck is tattoo'd asshole... by the way justin is a name for a bloke with a small cock !

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