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Comments made by Quief
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1 to 15 of 33 comments

Quief Quief 2007-10-07 Quief tattoo
Do you jingle when you walk sweetie?
Set off any metal detectors lately? LOL interesting work. I guess you like anal sex because vaginal sex would seem to prove very difficult, wouldn't it?
Quief Quief 2007-08-20 Quief tattoo
Homo say what?
Quief Quief 2007-08-15 Quief tattoo
Nice artwork, detailed but it looks kinda odd. Almost unfinished when the nipple is hard...
Quief Quief 2007-08-15 Quief tattoo
Nice, how nasty is being uncircumsized...
Quief Quief 2007-08-15 Quief tattoo
Luckily you didn't end up with something IN your ass. LOL
Quief Quief 2007-08-15 Quief tattoo
Can you say tacky boys and girls? LOL. Imagine that tat when he is 50 and has kids and grandkids....
Quief Quief 2007-08-11 Quief tattoo
What happens when you don't like Tupac anymore?
Quief Quief 2007-08-10 Quief tattoo
Quief Quief 2007-08-10 Quief tattoo
loco ! I wouldn't even get a wifes name tattooed on my "real estate", hasn't anyone told you the divorce rate is 50-60%. LOL. These two must have been real, REAL close...

Letters look ok, but why ????
Quief Quief 2007-08-10 Quief tattoo
Not bad, the colors compliment each other well.
Quief Quief 2007-08-10 Quief tattoo
Not bad, the lines give it depth, like it is coming off your arm. Not bad...
Quief Quief 2007-08-10 Quief tattoo
No offense but next time put on your glasses...
Quief Quief 2007-08-10 Quief tattoo
Too small and blends in with your chest hair...
Quief Quief 2007-08-10 Quief tattoo
Very nice, very symmetrical, very sharp lines. Very nice tat..
Quief Quief 2007-08-08 Quief tattoo
Funny,funny tat.. LOL

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