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Comments made by Bill
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1 to 15 of 55 comments

Bill Bill 2003-07-23 Bill tattoo
nah, but he probably could run me over with his camaro....
Bill Bill 2003-07-16 Bill tattoo
Bill Bill 2003-07-06 Bill tattoo
Thats way too badass for words... except... HOT!
Bill Bill 2003-07-03 Bill tattoo
that doesnt suck
Bill Bill 2003-07-03 Bill tattoo
Make sure your second tat is a cover up!
Bill Bill 2003-07-03 Bill tattoo
what a douche bag....
Bill Bill 2003-07-03 Bill tattoo
what the hell is wrong with you people? ICP is crap and so is that tattoo
Bill Bill 2003-07-03 Bill tattoo
nice spinal bifida....
Bill Bill 2003-07-03 Bill tattoo
hello Kitty STILL looks like Heathcliff though....
Bill Bill 2003-07-03 Bill tattoo
what the hell is that supposed to be?
Bill Bill 2003-07-03 Bill tattoo
cool eyes
Bill Bill 2003-07-03 Bill tattoo
looks like shit anyway you slice it....
Bill Bill 2003-07-03 Bill tattoo
thats pretty damn funny..... good work
Bill Bill 2003-07-03 Bill tattoo
good but overdone
Bill Bill 2003-07-03 Bill tattoo
you do know these things last forever right?

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