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b4&after2 tattoo
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1 to 15 of 50 comments

Arty_D_Artist Arty_D_Artist 2011-10-25
wrong,so so wrong. :'
Moonchakka Moonchakka 2009-08-15
I have to agree with most, this sucks as a cover up. My first tattoo was a tribal when I was 17. I wish I could get rid of it, tribal tattoos suck. At this point I would say throw some color in the negative space and maybe it will hide the old tattoo.
mikee mikee 2009-06-16
fill in the gaps of the black with red so u cant see any of the original work on there, the red shading will give the usual boring tribal a bit of an edge.
Matt13 Matt13 2009-06-11
what was the original tat? it looks like chewbacca dressed as the grim reaper.
Bunny Bunny 2009-02-10
hi i just had a tribal covered and it was not easy. I don't understand why you paid for removal just to cover with a tribal. Some artists are just to lazy to come up with something original and then mark you with tribal unless you really wanted that?
Kitty Kitty 2009-01-23
no its not good at all... That's just a tattoo on top of another tattoo its not a cover up you can still see the old one. Do you really think thats good?
J_Robert J_Robert 2008-01-24
Should have kept up with the removals, then very last do the complete cover. This isn't good.
brandimonkey brandimonkey 2007-04-03
it didn't cover up at all! you just put a tattoo on top of another tattoo. you can still see the old behind the new! definitely a poor choice as a coverup. most people are trying to get rid of tribal, not get more.
deanna deanna 2007-02-25
i agree with zoe.. learn the first time.. tribal isnt good for coverups of tattoos that big..even lightened. there were plenty of other things that wouldve covered that and by a better artist for sure.
Karoline Karoline 2006-09-16
that is not good..sorry,dude..
lucky lee lucky lee 2006-03-02
u have sumhow made that shit that was on ur arm look shitter well done
InkSlave666 InkSlave666 2006-02-13
4 words and a vowel ...not a good cover up
samuallambual samuallambual 2005-07-20
i would agree you could do with a recolour on your tribal an maybe think of havin a glow of colour behind the tribal to mask out your old tatt
Inksane Gina Inksane Gina 2005-07-12
And I would think after having shitty tat's and going through the trouble to lighten them, you'd have learned your lesson and not settle for anything less than the best.

Your like those stupid birds who coninually fly into windows. Learn, would ya?

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