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joshua todd tattoo
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1 to 10 of 10 comments

One Of 5 One Of 5 2007-04-06
This one is nice too!!! I prefer the view from the front!!! I may be old, but you are freaking hot!!! Send me an email & I will tell ya alot more.... like you haven't heard it before!!! Yum, yum!!!
kylec kylec 2006-09-01
guys the whole coke thing is a song. I love the cocaine. get hip.
Em Em 2006-04-18
it's very true to the oriniginal, I like iot alot.

What does the suicide king have to do with coke?
LeiZero LeiZero 2006-02-01
i think its cool.

mandee, i think the coke thing is in reference to zephyrine's comment, i didnt get it at first either.
Mandee Mandee 2005-12-21
Maybe I'm not cool enough to know that he's into cocaine by looking at his tat, can someone help a girl out & break it down for me? ;o)~ THNX
HollowDays HollowDays 2005-09-08
yay for cocaine, not.
spinal column kitten spinal column kitten 2005-07-30
Man BuckCherry is gay, or was gay. Are they still around?
Zephyrine Zephyrine 2005-07-29
The work doesn't look too bad, but its a fucking stupid idea. Obviously he loves coke, otherwise he wouldn't have destroyed his back with that piece of shit.
vicious vicious 2005-06-04
its true, he does love that cocaine
Gavin Gavin 2005-02-14
original but stupid idea.. not very even either

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