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Comments made by Bill
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31 to 45 of 55 comments

Bill Bill 2003-06-30 Bill tattoo
yer fucking retarded
Bill Bill 2003-06-30 Bill tattoo
Am I tripping balls or are those pictures horribly out of focus?
Bill Bill 2003-06-30 Bill tattoo
is it because of those tattoos that Angelina kicked yer ass to the curb?
Bill Bill 2003-06-30 Bill tattoo
looks like dirt....
Bill Bill 2003-06-30 Bill tattoo
You gotta be shitting me....thats pretty freakin lame.
Bill Bill 2003-06-29 Bill tattoo
That doesnt suck
Bill Bill 2003-06-29 Bill tattoo
Bill Bill 2003-06-29 Bill tattoo
He looks like gary coleman fer chrissakes.... "whatchu talkin bout, lettuce!?"
Bill Bill 2003-06-29 Bill tattoo
Bill Bill 2003-06-29 Bill tattoo
the blue is pretty spotty but I like the idea. I got my family crest done 11 years ago and it's holding up better than yours..
Bill Bill 2003-06-29 Bill tattoo
freash? your spelling is a crappy as your tattoos....
Bill Bill 2003-06-29 Bill tattoo
buuuuuh... what the hell?
Bill Bill 2003-06-21 Bill tattoo
nice chernobyl tit
Bill Bill 2003-06-21 Bill tattoo
the close up picture is better...looks like my brother after anorexia and a sex change
Bill Bill 2003-06-21 Bill tattoo
is that a 75 year old woman? Nice nasty hands.....

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