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rate my ink tattoo pictures & designs
Comments made by Bill
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46 to 55 of 55 comments

Bill Bill 2003-06-21 Bill tattoo
mom must be proud
Bill Bill 2003-06-21 Bill tattoo
dime a dozen
Bill Bill 2003-06-21 Bill tattoo
Thats pretty damn original...nice work
Bill Bill 2003-06-20 Bill tattoo
the award for 'best comprehension and application of the english language" goes to...... chacevegas
Bill Bill 2003-06-20 Bill tattoo
good lord..... gimme a break
Bill Bill 2003-06-20 Bill tattoo
looks like a fruit roll up
Bill Bill 2003-06-20 Bill tattoo
Bill Bill 2003-06-20 Bill tattoo
Thatsa very nice-a
Bill Bill 2003-06-20 Bill tattoo
What is that? a skid mark from yer drawers?
Bill Bill 2003-06-20 Bill tattoo
The only tattoo better than this on this site is here: http://www.ratemyink.com/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?action=s sp&pid=608

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