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Butterfly tattoo designed by me

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Butterfly tattoo designed by me tattoo
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Butterfly tattoo designed by me tattoo
posted by mysteriously_sexy
I was and still am only 17 when i got this tattoo done.
I drew it up and got it tattooed in Buenos Aires when i was on holiday.
I kinda think its a stupid tattoo. But others say they like it. 
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1 to 5 of 5 comments

Anna Anna 2009-10-04
So why did you get it if you thought it was stupid?? WTF? You know they're permanent, right?
Ink_Girl85 Ink_Girl85 2007-03-24
If you think it's stupid then why bother getting it. Getting a tatto just for the sake of getting one doesnt really make much sence. Get something that when your 75 and all wrinkled up you'll look down and say, yea i still like it.
erin erin 2006-10-03
if you read her description she says she doesn't really like it....
i do like it, maybe if you added something maybe fading with dark green so the green's not so bright all over. i like the design though
jessica hoskins jessica hoskins 2006-09-03
it looks like a jeepers creepers butterfly. but you like it and if you are satisfied then thats great.
teena teena 2006-06-24
You say its kinda stupid? But you designed it and decided to get it tattood on you! Anyhow I like the butterfly just dont care for it being all green.

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