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Cassiopeia tattoo
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Cassiopeia tattoo
posted by mObscene
Finally done... 
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1 to 5 of 8 comments

Ctopher Ctopher 2009-02-15
What a neat idea. I've always loved astronomy and this is fantastic!
mObscene mObscene 2008-04-29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassiopeia_(mythology )

Here is a link to read up on!
mObscene mObscene 2008-04-29
Wow...thanks for the comments guys! I had totally forgotten about this site until I was cleaning out my e-mail and gotten a comment reminder. The meaning behind it is a mythology one. Just reminding me that no matter what I accomplish, not to get vain.
John John 2008-04-28
Yeah.... so like Eddie said...

What does it mean? :)

I love tattoos like this.... in fact, I was thinking my next would be the southern cross...
Robin Robin 2007-04-06
Wow Eddie that was a pretty strong reaction for a simple question. I too like to know the meaning behind people's tattoos. If she does not want to say, let her answer for herself. Ok so what is the meaning for you?

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