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Leland Chapman - Tattoo by PAUL JAMISON - WWW.TATTOOPAUL.COM

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Leland Chapman - Tattoo by PAUL JAMISON - WWW.TATTOOPAUL.COM tattoo
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Leland Chapman - Tattoo by PAUL JAMISON - WWW.TATTOOPAUL.COM tattoo
posted by tattoopaul
This was an indian girl. I've changed her into a mermaid for Leland.
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1 to 5 of 7 comments

Riverbear31 Riverbear31 2010-02-12
Dont give a damn about the tattoo, but Leland is too hot so anything he puts on this body is just icing on the cake. yum.
Mintton Mintton 2007-10-31
G'day. I like tattoos, and the detail is very neat and you can see very clearly what the story says and turning this into a mermaid has brought out more features of her face.By struth Keep up the good work paul! Min,Down Under
Ashley Ashley 2007-10-16
Not a good pic of Leland, but the tattoo's ok
LeiZero LeiZero 2007-06-30
yeah this is a wierd pic of Leland. tattoo sucks but i think he's super hot too. also a badass.
Heidi Heidi 2007-04-09
As a huge fan of Dog the Bounty Hunter and since Leland is smokin hot I like the tattoo and how it was turned into a mermaid with the palm tree in the back. Very cool.

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