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New Moon

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New Moon tattoo
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New Moon tattoo
posted by ilovetink
My birthday was on Easter for the first time EVER! I had to mark the occasion by getting a blue moon tattoo since it happens "once in a blue moon" :). I also got a poppy flower put on the moon in remembrance of my grandfather "Poppy" that died last year. He also added to her hair and make her wings more colorful! Dreek at Ultimate Tattoo in LC did a great job!!! Thanks. **Sorry so shiny and scabby, just got the tattoo 2 days ago..I also cropped out some giant fuzzballs that looked really gross** 
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1 to 5 of 7 comments

Joshua Joshua 2008-03-19
I really like the blue in the moon, how it gets darker towards the tip of the crescent. very nice.
Michele Michele 2007-07-26
Awesome tat. I love how small it is but so detailed, very talented artist! You must be an aries baby, me to!
brandon brandon 2007-06-03
I enjoyed your explanation of this tattoo. On many levels:

1) your birthday happening by chance on easter (the moon)
2) the flower for a dead relative
3) the color was to make her wings more colorful!

This covers everything that tattoos should say.
Janni Janni 2007-05-25
lol ... yeh i was kinda scared at first because i was going so big but then im like w.e its what i want so im going for it ... i love it! lol yours is really cute!
kastat kastat 2007-04-29
hey thanks for the comments and suggestions, i should say good suggestion, i may go with the hummingbird.
o and by the way, i love this tattoo its so cute, did it hurt here?

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