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My friends tattoo...eek

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My friends tattoo...eek tattoo
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My friends tattoo...eek tattoo
posted by Keith
ummm got it done by a amature..ouch 
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1 to 5 of 6 comments

sam sam 2009-02-03
the banners look like the tattoist was having a seizure and he just kept tattooing..
JaK JaK 2009-01-22
at least you are aware it's not so good...but luckily for you, looks like half that line work wont stick anyway, and you can get someone decent and licensed to fix it!
stumpy stumpy 2008-11-20
Did the amature have epilepsy?
Heather Heather 2008-08-18
It's pretty shakey. It's too bad that some good ideas end up looking not so good.
cherisse123 cherisse123 2008-03-07
nice design just should of got a better tattoist it would of been brilliant

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