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my shoulders tattoo
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my shoulders tattoo
posted by Barnzy
my tribal accross my shoulders. i wasnt planning on getting a tattoo for a while but i scribbled this down an decided to get it done 
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jack jack 2011-10-19
Hi,My name is Jack Zhung, I am the Sales Manager in Zhejiang Chinaloong Group Co.,Ltd . Our company is specializing in tattoo equipments,tattoo machine, tattoo needles, tattoo grips, For more information, pls clink to our website: www.chinaloonggroup.com
Barnzy Barnzy 2009-03-18
yeh it did scab an coz of it bein in an awkward place to reach, i struggled to keep on top of the tattoo goo. shud get it dun soon 2bh
PixieKitten PixieKitten 2009-03-18
Ditto what marksman said. Did you scab in the patchy areas?
marksman marksman 2008-05-25
looks really patchy, have you thought about getting it touched up. the design sits well at the top of your shoulders but needs darkening

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