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Razor Blade

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Razor Blade tattoo
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Razor Blade tattoo
posted by jake76
This is my fifth tatt done by Larry at TCB tattoos in McMinnville,TN.No Im not suicidal at all and I also know that it needs to be up the street not across the road to be realistic.I honestly did it for the reactions from everyone that sees it.It looks alot better than in the pic its hard to take a pic like that yourself and look right.Tell me what you think. 
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1 to 5 of 11 comments

BlueEyedWolf BlueEyedWolf 2013-02-11
Horrible work. Looks like a scratcher did this to you. You wouldnt get any reaction from me except pity that you have this stuck on you forever now.
Cainlynn Cainlynn 2012-03-30
Well ppl it's not yr body but yes, fellow tattooed person, =]] ya did ask for comments. so here's mine. I think if it's what u wanted ta do then rock on. But I do agree with the individual who said to get it touched up a bit. =]
RefuseResist RefuseResist 2012-03-18
Congratulations, you are now a moron with a hack tattoo.
Miss Kittie Miss Kittie 2012-03-15
You. Are. Emo.
kim kim 2009-05-15
hey. i too have a rozor blade tatoo with blood on it like its cutting me, just its on my ankle. urss is pretty cool. dont let the evil judgemental ppl get to ya..its ur body u got it for ur reasons that u fully understand so screw them

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