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User profile for jeremy
jeremy Name: jeremy
member since: 2008-01-22
last login: 2013-05-16
gender: Dude
location: LA
email: email hidden
recent pictures: See all 16 pictures
Full Back Beatles Piece tattooChris Lundy Piece tattooChris Lundy Piece tattooBlackBird tattoo

recent picture comments: See all 10 comments
jeremy jeremy 2009-10-03 jeremy tattoo
HOLY @#$%^...That is how a portrait should be done..very very nice
jeremy jeremy 2009-09-17 jeremy tattoo
Man, Please put the tattoo gun down. You might be able to draw but picking up a gun and winging it is not the way to go. Stop tattooing and get some fake skin, practice on those..
jeremy jeremy 2009-07-31 jeremy tattoo

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